Experimental Investigation on Recovery of Micro Hydropower Dump Load through Oil Heating System


  • Joseph H. Kihedu University of Dar es Salaam
  • Mr. Mnkemi University of Dar es Salaam
  • Prof. Kimambo University of Dar es Salaam




micro hydropower, dump load, oil heating system, thermal stratification, thermal energy retention


Micro hydropower power generates electrical energy to meet connected electrical demand, that normally fluctuates causing imbalances. Electronic load controller is then used to balance power system by diverting surplus generated power to the dump load commonly resistive load such as bulk water heater. This study investigated use of oil heating system as a replacement for conventional resistive dump load. In comparison to water, oil has high thermal retention therefore can serve as good thermal media. Dump load range ranged between 17 kW to 78 kW. A 6-kW electrical heater was used for laboratory oil heating system from which heated oil attained about 10,791 MJ in 31.5 minutes. Thermal stratification between upper layers and the lower layers of oil in storage tank decreases from 3.8°C to 3.4°C as oil temperature increases from 100°C to 200°C, respectively. Energy dissipated through dump load from micro hydropower plants is sufficient for domestic energy consumption including cooking.


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How to Cite

Kihedu, J. H., Mnkemi, G. E. ., & Kimambo, C. Z. M. (2023). Experimental Investigation on Recovery of Micro Hydropower Dump Load through Oil Heating System. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 42(2), 198-205. https://doi.org/10.52339/tjet.v42i2.812
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