Review Process

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET) uses a double-blind peer review system in which reviewer and author identities stay anonymous to the other party throughout the review process.

This Journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3.3.0-4 and follows the OJS editorial and publishing process, which allows the author(s) to track the review process.

The following elements detail the overall review process. 

  1. Submission of Manuscript

The corresponding author(s) may submit the manuscript online through the following link. However, before submission, the author(s) must ensure the manuscript conforms to Author guidelines and Instructions for authors.

  1. Editorial Office Assessment

The Journal Editor-in-Chief checks the manuscript's plagiarism using Turnitin and conformity against Author guidelines and Instructions for authors.

The Editor-in-Chief also checks the originality and contents of the manuscript to confirm their relevance for the journal.

At this stage, the Editor-in-Chief may accept or reject initially screened the manuscript during desk review.

  1. Assignment of Manuscript to Subject Editors

The Editor-in-Chief may assign the screened manuscript to the Subject Editor responsible for the peer review process.

  1. Invitation to Reviewers

The subject Editor sends invitations to at least three potential individuals competent in the field covered in the manuscript.

Potential reviewers may accept or decline the invitation against their own expertise, availability and conflicts of interest.

At least two independent reviewers must review one manuscript. Depending on the responses received, the Editor-in-Chief or Subject Editor may request additional reviewers to review the manuscript.

  1. Review is conducted

The reviewer assesses the manuscript and provides feedback within the set time. The reviewer’s response must comply with the peer reviewer guidance.

Afterwards, the reviewer should provide the recommendation to accept the manuscript as it is, accept it with minor corrections, accept it subject with major corrections, or reject it.

  1. Evaluation of the Reviews

The subject editor or Editor-in-Chief considers all the returned reviews before making an overall decision.

If the reviews differ widely, the editor may invite an additional reviewer to get another independent opinion before proving the overall decision.

  1. Communication of the Decision

The editor sends a decision e-mail to the author(s), including any relevant reviewer comments.

If accepted, the manuscript is sent to production. If the manuscript is sent back with major or minor revisions, the editor will include constructive comments from the reviewers to help the author(s) improve the manuscript.

Manuscripts that require major revisions will be sent back to the reviewers after contributors have made changes to the manuscript in accordance with reviewers' comments.

The subject editor may handle manuscripts that require only minor changes. The corresponding author(s) of the rejected manuscript will be informed accordingly.