Notes for Peers Review

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET) is grateful to the reviewers who devote their expertise, energy, and time to review manuscripts submitted to this Journal.

The Journal uses a double-blind peer review system in which the reviewer's identity will always remain confidential to the author(s). Thus, the reviewer is requested to ensure that the review and any attachments do not indicate his/her identity as a reviewer.

To ease the review process, the following outlines are possibly useful to the reviewers:

  1. To ensure that our Journal publishes manuscripts of high quality, reviewers must provide the Editorial Board with critical constructive comments of the highest academic standards. The manuscript quality depends on the ‘dialogue’ between authors and reviewers, mediated through the editorial process, to obtain a manuscript with acceptable excellence. Thus, a reviewer must provide authors with detailed feedback and clear and specific suggestions for manuscript improvement.
  2. To ensure that author(s) receive decisions on the outcome of the review process, reviewers are kindly requested to complete reviews within the time frame provided. Reviewers who need extra time may request an extension through the Subject Editor or Editor-in-Chief via the online journal system. The Journal intends to inform the authors’ outcome as early as possible.
  3. The subject editors try to assign manuscripts in accordance with the reviewer's fields of expertise. If the reviewer can not evaluate the manuscipt based on competing interest or any other acceptable reasons, He/She is requested to inform the editorial board as soon as practicable.
  4. The review process aims to identify areas of improvement of the manuscript. Thus, the reviewer is expected to provide constructive suggestions for manuscript improvement. The reviewer can recognise and acknowledge strong points where appropriate while avoiding provocative comments and non-inclusive languages.
  5. The reviewer may write comments directly on the manuscript, but He/She is also expected to fill out the online form.
  6. The reviewer is kindly requested to review a revised manuscript of the author(s) to enhance coherence and expedite the reviewing process. However, He/She can opt to decline in exceptional cases.