Objectives and Scope

The Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET) aims to disseminate current cutting-edge knowledge on all aspects of science, engineering, and technology.

TJET publishes both print and online media with ISSN 1821-536X (print) and ISSN 2619-8789 (electronic) respectively. TJET publishes articles on

  • Engineering;
  • Interdisciplinary research findings on the practice and theory in engineering and technology;
  • Engineering management;
  • Applied sciences;
  • Pure sciences;
  • Materials sciences; and
  • Applied mathematics.

The list above is inexhaustive, all closely related areas of science, engineering, and technology are highly welcome for peer review before publication. Authors are welcome to peruse previous articles (on the archives) to be familiar with some of the research fields that have been published.

The published articles must come from original work of the

  • individual authors;
  • research groups; and
  • research companies/institutes/universities

The scope of TJET covers all aspects of science, engineering, and technology for which there is new, interesting, or immediately applicable research findings to be shared with the scientific community and public. Further, review articles with useful insights into existing state of the art that clearly inform future research directions and collating literature into useful information are published.