Selection of Discrete Event Simulation Software for Simulating Mining Operations




Loading system, Discrete Event Simulation, Software Selection


Simulation is a tool that can be used to predict and evaluate the performance of mining systems. It has been used for various applications such as fleet optimization in underground mining, comparison of timing and efficiency between drills, and mine-to-mill production systems. Due to the availability of a large number of simulation tools, careful selection should be made depending on the type of problem to be simulated. The study presented in this paper aims to compare two different simulation tools, AutoMod and SimMine, by comparing the two underground loading models created. This is achieved by analysing different equipment alternatives for possible future conditions when the mine depth increases. Both tools produce statistically equivalent results for simulated production. The paper presents a discussion regarding the choice of software and based on the study, SimMine is recommended for easy, fast modelling, whereas AutoMod, with its wider palette of software features and facilities provided, is recommended for more enhanced and detailed mining simulations. The study is based on the mining operation in the Kiirunavaara underground mine in Sweden, and the simulation is conducted based on a fixed production target.


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Author Biography

Bartlomiej Skawina, Mining and Rock Engineering

Department of Civil, Environment and Natural Resources Engineering, Division of Mining and Rock Engineering




How to Cite

Salama, A. J., & Skawina, B. . (2023). Selection of Discrete Event Simulation Software for Simulating Mining Operations. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 42(2), 10-26.
Abstract viewed = 181 times